
Today, more individuals are being given the opportunity to work from home than ever before. While most of us have occasionally worked from home due to traveling or illnesses, working remotely for an extended period of time is a different experience. When telecommuting, it is easy to take advantage of the so-called “freedom” and fall into a state of unproductivity due to being in the comfort of one’s own home without anyone looking over your shoulder. With a few pointers you can increase your job satisfaction, improve work productivity, lower stress levels, and become an overall work from home pro. Here are my tips to make an efficient transition from the corporate office to your home office.

1. Set up a Workspace

While it’s easy to work comfortably in bed or on the couch in front of a TV, stay clear of those spots! Not only are those places bad for your back, they also they tend to have lower productivity levels. The first step to working from home is to clear an area in your home that is under good lighting and away from distractions. Designate this space as your work zone and set up your laptop, planner, notepads and any other essentials you’ll need while working.

If your home isn’t conducive to beneficial work results, explore new venues. Test out local coffee shops, libraries, coworking spaces, parks, or any other location that motivates you to get more done.

2. Create a Routine

Once you’ve distinguished a workspace, continue the daily routine you had when commuting to work. Stick to a healthy and regular sleep schedule. Don’t become a night owl or you’ll end up fighting your alarm clock in the morning and lose valuable hours of the day. Wake up early in the morning, shower and wear casual clothes to shake off that sleepy haze. Enjoy your coffee and breakfast, read the news, scan your social media sites, check your emails, then get ready to dive right into work.

3. Make a Schedule

Working from home has its advantages, and in most cases, that means having your own hours. To stay on task, spend the first part of your morning mapping out your day and prioritizing your assignments. Create a timeline on a calendar to track your progress towards meeting your deadline. For those more tech-savvy or modern day workers, use Trello to monitor your progress. Set timeslots for completing work so you don’t waste time or opportunities, and more importantly so you avoid that stressful crunch time. Scheduling your time appropriately will guarantee a positive yield.

4. Take a Break!

Don’t turn into a hermit! Leave your home, so you don’t go stir crazy. Step outside and let the fresh air revitalize you. It’s good to rest your eyes after starring at a screen nonstop, and interact with others. The walk outdoors is great for the mind and body. The mental break will inevitably boost your productivity.

5. Be Healthy and Exercise

It’s important to remain health conscious when working remotely. Pencil in time during the day to improve your personal well being. Don’t use working from home as an excuse to slack on exercising. Exercising will increase your energy levels, boosts your mood and stimulate mental acuity.

6. Don’t Forget to Eat

Oftentimes, when we aren’t surrounded by other employees, we lose track of time and lunchtime slips by unnoticed. Set an alarm on your phone if you are one to work thru lunch. Skipping meals not only slows your metabolism, but also decreases your energy levels thus preventing you from working at your fullest potential.

On another note, the kitchen is usually stocked with junk food, which means constantly being tempted to snack. If you’re a snacker, try and stock up on healthier options. Ditch the copious amounts of caffeine and have a bottle of water near you at all times. Hydration is key.

7. Touch base

Having remote employees requires communication. Don’t become a virtual ghost. Stay in constant contact with your team. Schedule virtual meetings to check-in, delegate work, and build team morale. Being accessible during the day is important, you never know what could happen spur of the moment.

8. End of Day Reports

There are responsibilities that come with working remotely. There is no one checking in on you throughout the day, so you are accountable for yourself. Show your productivity by sending updates to your team. These updates can be daily or weekly, but involve your team on your progress which will alternatively keep you on track.

Welcome to remote work! Happy telecommuting!