If you like podcasts, sage advice, and workplace revolutions, we’ve got a show for you!
On the most recent episode of Convince & Convert’s Marketing Marvels podcast, our CEO, Marc Kirshbaum, talked with Jay Baer, founder of Convince & Convert, about how working in Sococo is bringing distributed teams closer together, no matter where in the world they are.
Here’s what Baer had to say about working with his distributed team in Sococo:
Watch as Marc takes Jay on a virtual tour of Sococo HQ:
Check out a meeting in action (and find out how working in Sococo recreates the feeling of being co-located):
Learn more about how working in Sococo gives Jay at-a-glance insight into his organization:
Find out if Sococo is right for your organization:
Watch or listen to the full interview.
Build your own Sococo virtual workspace.