Entries by Sococo

Convince & Convert: How to Bring Profound Closeness to Virtual Teams

If you like podcasts, sage advice, and workplace revolutions, we’ve got a show for you! On the most recent episode of Convince & Convert’s Marketing Marvels podcast, our CEO, Marc Kirshbaum, talked with Jay Baer, founder of Convince & Convert, about how working in Sococo is bringing distributed teams closer together, no matter where in the world […]

Why Work-From-Home is the “World’s Smartest Management Strategy”

A recent article published in Inc. declared that work-from-home arrangements are the “World’s Smartest Management Strategy,” highlighting the financial, competitive, and employee benefits of allowing employees to work remotely or from home (even if it’s just a few days a week). That may sound like a stretch, but work-from-home, flexible and remote work policies really […]

Why Employee Happiness Matters

Are you happy at work? It may be a hard question to answer, but employee happiness can have a major effect on an organization. According to a recent study, happy employees are up to 20% more productive than their less-happy counterparts. Not only that, but the Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” experienced a […]

6 Ways to Build Trust with Your Team (Trust Us)

There’s more to trust than just knowing your teammate’s name—building workplace trust takes time and effort, but it makes an impact. Joanne Collins, Vice President of Relationships Management at StoneRiver, says in Forbes: “All relationships need trust. Up, down, and sideways; internal and external; personal and professional. Everyone wants to feel heard and feel important…First […]

How to Find (or Build!) a Community When You're Working Remotely

Today’s blog post comes from guest blogger Scott Dawson of The Art of Working Remotely. Check out his weekly remote work Twitter chat. Those first few days or weeks of a remote gig can be so refreshing. Working remotely may be rather peaceful when compared to occupying a spot in cubicle-ville. Productivity soars, stress abates, and you […]

6 Habits of Healthy Remote Workers

Whether you’re working remotely for the first time in your career or you’re one of the 4.3 million Americans who already work from home at least 50% of the time, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging when you’re free to work anywhere, eat anything, and even wear anything (hello yoga pants). But staying healthy isn’t any […]

Why Virtual Coworking Rocks

Check it out! Remote work expert and Sococo champion Lisette Sutherland discusses the benefits of “virtual coworking” with her team in Sococo. Lisette says, “Virtual coworking is the same thing as working in a physical coworking space, except you meet online in a virtual office…You can have serendipitous moments online with a diverse group of […]

Employee Engagement: The Biggest Challenge in Business Today

A Gallup study found that “13% of employees across 142 countries worldwide are engaged in their jobs — that is, they are emotionally invested in and focused on creating value for their organizations every day.” Of the remainder, 63% are not engaged and 24% are actively disengaged. Something about the way we work today just isn’t clicking. The Gallup survey […]